Fall 2021 – Editorial

The Fall 2021 edition of the Canadian Hog Journal is here!

It is a tale as old as time: man versus beast. As the war on wild boar rages on in North America, learn about how the issue is being approached by different jurisdictions, and head into the field with a pair of boar trappers to learn about eradication efforts.

Feed cost management strategies are becoming more and more popular as feed prices remain high, availability remains low, and as hog prices gradually decline approaching the fall. Find out how you can protect your operation from unnecessary losses.

Public trust matters in agriculture, and, for consumers, farmers are the most important representatives of the industry. Consider why we all need to work together to improve our image by sharing the good news of your work.

In an increasingly plant-based world, pork still plays an integral role in the diets of Canadians. Look past the simulated meat hype and see why the real deal is still wanted and needed.

In research, creep feeding and canola extrusion are getting a closer look, and feeding peas could be a step in the right direction for lowering the carbon footprint of hog production.

As COVID-19 restrictions ebb and flow with case counts in each province, my home, Alberta, has imposed new guidelines for in-person gatherings, including a vaccine passport system. These kinds of spur-of-the-moment changes from government have complicated event planning in our industry, leading to cancellations or postponements in some cases and a shift to online formats in others.

The Alberta Livestock Expo in Lethbridge will not take place this year, unfortunately, but I was originally hoping to share this magazine – hot off the press – with producers and stakeholders at that event. Also in Alberta, the Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop has gone virtual for the first time, after being cancelled last year, and you can read about that in our next edition.

Coverage of this year’s Porc Show – virtual for the second time – will appear in the next edition of the Canadian Hog Journal, and coverage of the upcoming Banff Pork Seminar – back in-person, as of now – will be featured in the special edition after that, as always.

Hopefully soon (and I really do mean soon!), I can make my way across the province and country again to broaden my horizons and keep in touch with so many of our great readers and others in the industry.

Even if we cannot connect face-to-face, share your ideas with me by emailing deidre.thomas@albertapork.com. There is a vast amount of experience and wisdom out there waiting to be broadcasted. Let me know what is on your mind!
